Finally I have DSL service. It has been in and out of service since Tuesday. AT&T has been here twice. The report yesterday was there was not any feed going into my line here at the house. There was a construction accident near here on Thursday that cut a fiber optic line. They did not seem to think that was part of the problem. I was on the phone with them every day from Tuesday on. Hope the problem is taken care of. Otherwise, they are going to be putting a bad label by my name and when my number comes up, no one will want to talk to me.This is a finish that I completed for a birthday in mid-April. The stitching was done on time, but it still needed to be framed. It took me a long time to remember to get a picture of it. It was stitched for someone that I met through stitching and has become like a sister to me. The designer is Sweetheart Tree and was stitched on 28-ct Antique Tan Linen with Anchor floss. Custom framed by our local frame shop--Frame Warehouse. The pattern itself is dated 1991, so it is an oldie, but goodie.
Finished the baby sampler including name yesterday. Some of my local stitching friends were having a fit about the kids not having heads in the earlier posts. Now the kids have heads and it is done. Tuesday I will take it to the frame shop along with my mini flags, if I get the second one done. It is started and they only take 2-3 hours each. This is for my great-nephew. I have not seen him yet, but do have pictures. Of course, he is a cutie. He looks just like his father.
Well, I don't know whether I have discussed in previous posts, but I have a really bad case of Adult Attention Deficit. There is just something about starting a new project that just sends me into a new zone. A week or so I was working at the LNS and as I was preparing remnant pieces of fabric for sale, I found this wonderful piece of 28-ct Antique Cotton R&R linen. I thought that is about the right size to do this design that I had just been dying to do. Low and behold, it was the right size. So now, I have started Hands To Work-- Best of Blessings on that piece of fabric. Below is the progress so far. Design size is about 19x7. It is turning our real nice and I can hardly lay it down. Hopefully this will satisfy my attention deficit for a while. I have been seeing some other stitching on Village at Hawk Run Hollow and I have had an itch to stitch that too.
Also, I am working on a new design for The Sunflower Seed. It is maybe one-third done. No pictures until she is ready to release the design.
The weathere is starting to really feel like summer. I don't do the heat very well, so that makes for more stitching time. Going to help at the LNS on Monday to prepare patterns to send to Hoffman. Earlier in the week we picked our first tomato and first green pepper of the season. If thing continue the way they are, I will be either giving some away or making salsa.
Time to get back to stitching and watching the Royals lose. LOL!
Have a good week.!!!!!!
Wow !! At this time in my life I can only dream of retirment. I'm so looking forward to it. Congrats on the finishes. They look great.
Hi Kathy! Great finishes! The first piece for your stitching sister is really nice.
Tomatoes already? Wow! I wish my parents would start gardening again. I miss eating ripe, fresh from the vine tomatoes. If you need help eating them, let me know!
Hope you're having fun at Sunflower today.
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