Monday, July 2, 2007

Therapy Session...

Tonight I spent the evening with the best therapists that money does not have to buy. My LNS -The Sunflower Seed hosts a small group of stitchers on Monday nights for a couple of hours of fun stitching together. We are actually a support group for each other. We average from 7 to 9 stitchers each week. Some nights we almost have too many and the circle gets rather large for our little shop. We have so much fun and laugh so much that we have the endorphins really working. Below are pictures of our little group taken tonight. They are not going to be very happy that I posted their pictures all over the net.

The person on the left below is the shop owner and needlework designer.Here is the shop dog "Betsy". She really did not like getting her picture taken tonight. She usually likes me, but it was different when I had a camera with a flash in my hand. Might be due to hearing all the fireworks that have been going on around town.

As for stitching progress, I don't have much to show for my efforts. I have spent most of my time doing work on a design model for The Sunflower Seed. However, I did take some time to stitch on my Quaker Odds and Evens Sampler. Being on the mulberry fabric, it hard to get a good photo. I have 2 of 4 motifs done. I have taken 4 of the Odds and Evens motifs that were the same size and put them on the same piece of fabric. Had to do some frogging on the 3rd design late Saturday due to my inability to count.

Been enjoying everyone's blogs. I am utterly amazed at the beautiful stitching that everyone does and how many projects that you are able to complete. It just seems like I never have enough time to stitch.
Happy 4th of July!!! Let Freedom Ring!!!!
Keep on stitching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Meari said...

Looks and sounds like a good time!

wot said...

Well, I really envy you for having a stitching group! I would really love that too but here nobody seems to wanna organize that.
The puppy is cute! Our dog goes mad at the sound of fireworks too. He starts growling before they actually start! There's animal insticts for you. :)

Marie said...

Oh...I want to join your stitching group!

Anonymous said...

Your Quaker Odds/Evens sampler sounds like it will be pretty. I've been trying to decide how to stitch them. I'm more into larger projects than a bunch of small ones. I'll have to think about your idea. Thanks for posting it.